I got good rating untuk my own projects (ehem!!) tapi untuk leadership punya parts, aku punya rating teruk gila. Alasan boss aku- "kalau bagi good rating nanti, there'll be no room for improvement and you tak boleh pergi trainings".
Oh tuhan, aku sumpah tak boleh terima alasan tu.
And since then, aku memang demotivated gila nak kerja. Aku tak kisah langsung kalau appraisal ni tak effect increment, but itu lah kenyataannya. And somehow aku rasa career progress kat sini akan jadi super slow.
Dipendekkan cerita Isnin lepas aku datang lewat. 9:40am. Dan masa aku sampai kat lift, boss terpacul depan pintu lift. Kiranya kantoi aku datang lambat.
And weird, aku langsung tak rasa bersalah.
Sekarang, aku rindu boss lama aku, yang evaluate aku atas kemampuan aku buat kerja, bukan menilai semata-mata nak "close gap" and whatnot.
Another "langkah kebelakang" decision I took, I presume.
mungkin. lain org. lain caranya.
ko memang senang pon nak down. so inilah tugas aku sebagai kakak yang selalu nak remind how good r u, how handsome r u. how clever r u. oK? so chin up adik. for me, u r among the best person that i ever met. naseb aku dah kawen je. kah kah kah.
Appraisal aku pun teruk! tahun lepas aku urus 5 projek sampai complete tapi boss aku nilai 3 projek :(
Year-end review is the worse. A lot of managers need training as well. I know a person who took did a job for two people for half a year (because the other person got into car accident) but still did not get a good rating. Alasan bodoh jugak. According to the manager “there’s no real opportunity to exceed expectation there” eventhough the person already showed that she already exceeded what’s expected of her. And even if you are doing a great job, there’s always a room for improvement and exploring new ideas; you should not stop learning.
Just take note that you can learn what kinda boss you should not be in the future.
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