Playboy itu suami aku.

Well, am writing this while watching that tele-movie (ke drama??). Yeah, thanks to my flexible working hours (which I can only enjoy until end of this month) that I can watch this programme almost every day.

I can't help but to bitch. Lets talk about the main cast i.e pelakon utama lelaki. KAKU gilaaaaaaaaaa!! Who the hell is this guy? Dialog tak "sampai". At times, he looks clueless. I can't help but to google anak sapa tu and to my surprise, he's the winner of Hero Remaja. No, I kid you not. HERO, for god's sake. Seriously I can't brain this. Which part of him that they see as a "hero"? It seems to me the term HEROin suits him better. 

Ok, I'm already late for Maghrib. Speak soon. Mohon doa Allah ampunkan dosa kerana telah mengutuk seorang hambaNya yang tidak bersalah. Hewhewhew.