Gambar hiasan. According to a friend (nama dirahsiakan, takot menjejaskan reputasi beliau. Hehe) hers can not be even considered as boobies (let alone sexy). It's a bee sting. That's it.
Dah dekat 3 minggu menonton, baru tergerak hati nak buat review (*masalahnya perlu ke aku nak buat ulasan ni? Ada sape2 bayar ke? Haha*). Let's make this one short and precise. The things that I like about this movie are;
- The script. I mean, who would have thought Amir Hafizi can be that creative with bahasa melayu sastera.
- Ummie Nazeera and Khir Rahman. If it were not because of these two umats, I would have fallen asleep throughout the 2 hours period.
- The CGI, you bet! Albeit towards the end of the movie, you'll find some of the scenes appeared to be something like copy and paste ones (or asal siap), but kudos to the big effort of making this movie something that is not typical Malaysian rempit or horror film.
Oh, 3 isi kandungan je? A'ah (*cakap dengan nada konfiden lagi angkuh*).
Overall, a good movie nonetheless. Go watch with open heart and support our local scene.
theblabber:A friend claimed that he managed to catch a glimpse of the Princess toooott (does it necessary to include this part anyway?) during the shower scene. I wish I have that "sharp" eyes too, but I guess it's just another bee sting. ZzzZZ <--- bunyi lebah lagi.
bee sting? bee sting tu apa? boobies tu ape? errmmphhhh....
i wanna see that Princess toooottt too! haha
Akak belum tengok lagi movie ni. Tunggu suam-suam kuku kang akak pegi la takpun tunggu kat Astro First nanti. Tiket asyik sold out jer. Best sangat la kut movie ni.
Ahaks. Itu memang betul gambar hiasan. Mcm takde kena mengena ngan tajuk entri pulak hihihi
aduhai kena photoshop dekat bee sting tu baru jelas sikit saiznya.
no body cares about my review :(
hahaha. walopun bee sting, tetap tulen. hehhehe. tetap indah selagi tidak masukkan silikon. lebih firm dari Britney's ketika claim dirinya virgin. hoho.
hurrrmm... Merong Mahawangsa the movie tidak dapat menandingi kesaktian "Merong Mahawangsa the teater" produksi Kumpulan seni Petronas beberapa tahun lepas, tidak juga boleh menandingi keindahan puisi Jentayu/Merong Mahawangsa karya 2 muka Usman Awang.
huhuh.. sorry, saya tidak into kecangihan cgi tapi lebih memntingkan storyline dan kekuatan watak. :(
remember ONCE? The low cost budget movie that captured millions heart and won Oscar?
p/s: the Princess can not act. the watak Princess is maybe too "big" for her and it must take a lot for Stephen to memorize his lines sebab dia bukannya fasih berbahasa Melayu pun (yg serba sedikit mengganggu penghayatan beliau).
Wah, banyak lak aku komen!!
As I said, go support our local scene :)
Lebah menyengat dada dia, lalu dada membengkak sedikit.
Sedikit sahaja.
And what reputation???
Oh tak tengok muvie tu lagi. Tapi macam nak tengok, tapi tak tengok tengok lagi. Tapi macam tak de masa. Tapi macam best. Tapi macam tak best sebab semua orang dah tengok pastu nanti kena tengok sorang sorang. Tapi macam betul betul nak tengok.
LOLOLOLOL ok sila lempang.
*kasi pipi*
Yup trust Amir Hafizi to come up with that delicious one liner..
I wonder berapa kali dia ulang hehe.
"Masih ku ingat kelazatan Embok dan kehangatan tubuhnya di malam yang hot itu.." or something like that
and the guilty look on embok's face as she remembers how she had enjoy it too..hehe
Penonton lelaki yang tak tidur pasti terasa terangsang membayangkan kelazatan bertubi-tubi tikaman Mawas..
Penonton wanita pun ada yang squirm nervously squeezing their thighs..
sigh.... way to go amir hafizi..
if you need help we are all here for you..hehe
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