I am no longer feel this blog belong to me. I mean, I don't really feel the "freedom" to write anything about what I feel and think. Disebabkan banyak orang yang aku kenal dah baca blog ni, I have to limit the content of my writings. I no longer can be as loud as I was before, knowing someone might get hurt or offended with what I write. Kadang2,kita citer pasal si A, si B lak terasa. Kadang2 takde kena mengena pun dengan A mahupun B, tapi dua2 pun nak terasa.

Gambar selingan.
Like for an example, entry Imam So Not Muda kat bawah ni, aku terpaksa delete satu sentence sebab takot ada pihak2 yang terkecil hati. Yes, ONE hell of sentence that could jeopardize a friendship. Contoh lain bila aku nak tulis pasal tak puas hati kat seseorang or aku terasa hati dengan orang lain. It's always take me sometimes to think whether or not to write about it here. Macam baru2 ni, ada kawan dok sindir2 aku dalam blog and on FB lak dia enjoy bila kawan2 dia gelakkan aku. Well, if those teasing and laugh can satiate beliau (*I still have respect*), let it be. I've done my part by apologize. After all, it was my fault. Redha saja.
I ain't no perfect,and I accept it. Penatlah kot aku nak terus acting like a kid (*Mak, see how much your boy has changed. Bangga tak?*).
Tapi bila fikir2 balik, why would I try so hard nak menjaga hati2 orang lain, padahal hati2 yang aku dok jaga tu has never bother to care about my feelings. Tapi takpelah, حبل من الله وحبل من الناس (*wow..dah pandai tulis jawi sekarang?*) Apa guna nak cari redha Allah, tapi hubungan sesama manusia hancur kan?
Ok enough ranting about something that is completely futile. I can't expect people to be as what I expect them to be. People can judge, but they hate to be judged. They can critics, but they can't accept critics. Why? Because truth hurt and they refuse to be realistic, that's it. I believe what comes around goes around. You do shit to others, others will make shit to you. Tak payah balas balik, budak tak cukup sifat je buat semua tu. Simple as that.
Eh, rasanya isi kandung entry ni macam dah divert daripada main point aku iaitu-aku dah tak rasa bebas nak tulis apa2 macam dulu lagi. Yang dok pergi merepek pasal friendship ni pe kes? *ah, kata mari merepek*.Hahaha.
Dan sebelum mengakhiri karangan panjang lebar hari ni, aku hidangkan hiburan ringan untuk tatapan bersama. Enjoy video kat bawah ni yang tiada kena mengena dengan main point entry. Aku letak pasal depa creative dan soloist itu suaranya merdu sekali. Apa2 pun, happy Sunday people!! What's for breakfast? (*dah tengahari baru nak tanya breakfast?*)
theblabber: Thanks to ila ni for also noticing the lose within me *bajed bagus ni nak orang concern pasal diri*.Your comment of previous entry is very much appreciated.
aku nampak ilani punya kaki! hehe.
sudah menjadi dewasa ek ^.^
i feel you bro..
A friend remind me on twitter- "Dr Seuss cakap Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don't matter,and those who matter don't mind".
But I guess, I never be easy to be me.
berdebar tengok printscreen itu. takut kena bahan kehkeh.
bila ada kawan-kawan dunia nyata yg baca blog, memang agak susah pun nak 'menulis untuk diri sendiri'. sebab adat nak jaga hati orang lain itu masih ada.
Kadang2,kita citer pasal si A, si B lak terasa. Kadang2 takde kena mengena pun dengan A mahupun B, tapi dua2 pun nak terasa.
setuju sangat dgn statement tersebut..^_^
sangatttttt BETUL. sebab tu saya tak bagitau org yang rapat dengan saya pasal blog saya.
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