Question is: Kenapa mesti anda mencari keyword tidak senonoh lalu menyalahkan blog ini lantas berlagak seperti seorang yang baik/suci/tulus/mulus? Next time,comment with sense please.

Ada ke berak yang wangi? I warned you not to read after all.
Then you said nak menjalinkan "long ever friendship"? I think you mean "a long lasting friendship",didn't you? I'm fine with that, but I believe first impression is important. Sorry dik,you have given me (and I think everyone's else,too) a very bad impression. Finish your study first, then learn how to communicate well with strangers. In case you didn't know,there's a word "softskill".Go google what is it about.
And your next comment "kdg2 agak sakit jugak dgn komen "nice yo!"... "i dah follow u, follow me back"... pe kejadah semua tu kan.. tapi perhaps diaorang rasa gmbira dgn cara begitu dan dlm hidup ini tak salah untuk gmbirakan org lain jugak.. what goes around comes around."
Why butthurt? Are you one of them? Dik, you're too young to know the world,I presume. Hidup anda adalah pathetic kalau nak memuaskan hati semua orang.You have no one to please but yourself.
If you think BERAK is such an "inappropiate keyword",I again pity you. Anyway, it's censored in English and should not be confused with a sensor.
Oh ya salam ukhwah too :)
mohdbinabu: Tiba2 teringat quote best dalam Forrest Gump. Guess which quote I'm referring to?
Let me guees, mesti budak perempuan ni. Betul tak? sensor lah kat blog nih...
lol, benda macam ni nak jadi isu. childish.
btw, komen si aku sangat sexist. wekkk!
my mama always said stupid is as stupid does.
"You have no one to please but yourself."
nanti dia besar difahamlah maksud tu, bro.
dia tak kenal langit tinggi ke rendah.
makan suap kot dekat rumah.
lately ramai blogger yg tatau courtesy...datang rumah org kena la bagi salam..mana ada main terjah je..apa daaa..
mari doakan kebaikan bersama.
Agreed. Sometimes,I wonder what do they want actually.
Bahasa England hancur, nak ngajar orang pulak. ish ish ish...
TESL student tu bro.Don't play play.
apala yg dia tu nak ye? hmm
relax bro....
budak mentah g....
masak buat sup kari masak lemak cilik api *sapa nak cuba aku masakkan....hahaha
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