# Enam

Al Fatihah.
I never knew her until I read her blog (spend the whole night read 1/4 of the whole entries) the day before, and today, she's gone. Forever.

This very much reminds me of a good friend whom I know suffering from a cancer too.

Al fatihah to arwah. Atleast she fought till her last breath. As per arwah, Tawakkal and Pasrah only after we put the bestest EFFORT.

Allah knows best.

theblabber : Selalu kematian itu menginsafkan, dan selalu juga insaf itu tidak lama. Aish, lemahnya aku ni.


Nurul Binti Ibunya said...

al fatihah

AISA. said...

selalulah ingat mengingati. :)

theblabber said...

ingat mati dapat pahala :)

SUXX said...

Selalu teringat tentang kematian je blh buat kusut juga. mcm aku dulu nak lelap pun payah takut mati bila mati dlm tido nanti. Nak naik kereta pun takut mati accident.

tp pahala dapat,okla. :)

Cicadasx said...

She always come to my college and bg speech.
Most of the lects and students knew her well
Al Fatihah