Pergilah dulu, esok lusa pasti kami menyusul.

I may only know you through our conversation on FB (and through your awek, of course!!), but am know you are such a nice lad.

We have loss such a talented photographer (masakan AnneFM hired arwah for her wedding).

Pergi dulu Taufiq, masa kami pasti akan tiba jua.

theblabber: Arwah was curious bila aku suruh jadi photographer time wedding nanti. -"eh, theblabber dah nak kawen ke?". Heh


Anonymous said...

Ya Allah. aku bru promote dy kelmarin utk wedding my sister next year.


Siapa yg sangka.

Unknown said...

Semoga dia ditempatkan bersama orang yang beriman...

Today is a give?

silent stalker said...

semoge kwn awk ditrime olehNYA...same2 kte doakn semoge arwah ditmpt bersame2 org yg beriman...Al-Fatihah...
hm..bole sy taw..sbb arwah meninggal?

cik suke said...

maaf...lupe pulak..silent stalker tu sy a.k.a cik suke...
silent stalker utk blog org len..maaf ye..

Chooyaya! said...

Innalillah... ye la kan? hidup kiter sekarang ni makin singkat...

LiFe KaMi said...

semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..Al Fatihah..

kin said...

Takziah utk ahli keluarga & teman2 rapatnya.

setiap hari ingat mati... so that we become better person very each day ;)